Life-Enriching Education Lab


The Life-Enriching Education Lab (short: LEE Lab) is an international training and community event based on the ideas of mutual education, dialogue and appreciation of diversity and different perspectives.

Developed in cooperation with the Center for Nonviolent Communication the LEE Lab builds on the experiences gathered from the International Intensive Trainings: People from all over the world come together to learn about different aspects of NVC supported by CNVC-certified trainers. There are parallel learning offers around NVC and the opportunity to get to know various topics and perspectives.

In addition, during LEE Lab we ask everyone who is there to act as a learner and leader at the same time. Our aim is it to create a learning environment in the service of diversity, autonomy and mutuality.

Here are some examples how we are doing that:

  • The LEE Lab team (trainers and organizers) involve everyone (also the participants) in the choice of the content, methods and structure of the learning sessions before they arrive at the venue.

  • At the LEE Lab there is room for co-creation and making decisions concerning the learning environment together every day

  • The experience and knowledge of each participant is welcomed as an important part of the learning event, as everyone comes as an expert of their own learning experiences. So we continuously ask ourselves, what works for us and what doesn’t and what we want to do differently in the future.

  • While we do offer training sessions from our certified trainers team we do asked everyone to share their experience, provide trainings, facilitate processes and create the event together.

  • The „trainers“ understand themselves mainly as those who prepare the event and hold the space and not as „teachers“ and this attitude is consciously made visible and can be experienced in many ways throughout the LEE Lab. In this way learning together on eye-level and beyond traditional roles in educational systems is practised.

  • We practise skills that are needed for a satisfying common decision making process in a group

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Cancelled: LEE Lab 2020, Bosnia & Herzegovina

We are really sorry to announce that the LEE lab 2020, which we wanted to host in Bosnia & Herzegovina, is cancelled because of the regulations regarding the Covid-19-pandemic.

As no one really knows right now how the situation will develop we are also sorry to say that we do not know when we will be able to host the next Life-Enriching Education Lab.

We will update this website as soon as we know more. You can also sign up to our NVC-letter below receive updates via email.

LEE Lab 2019, Germany

In April 2019 we came together in Bad Belzig (Germany) to learn, grow and connect at the 5th Life-Enriching Education Lab.